A Delivery Only Restaurant

'Cake Boss' Star Buddy Valastro Launches New Virtual Cake Brand

@justPEREZplay. (2021, September 28). ‘cake boss’ star buddy Valastro launches New Virtual Cake Brand: Kiss 95-7. ‘Cake Boss’ Star Buddy Valastro Launches New Virtual Cake Brand. Retrieved October 3, 2021, from https://kiss957.iheart.com/featured/perez/content/2021-09-28-cake-boss-star-buddy-valastro-launches-new-virtual-cake-brand/

‘Cake Boss’ star Buddy Valastro is known for his tasty treats at Carlo’s Bakery. But now, he’s switching things up and is the latest celebrity to launch a new virtual brand in a “ghost kitchen”.

Introducing, ‘Buddy V’s Cake Slice’. This new business venture features 5 cake flavors to choose from, including Confetti, Vanilla Rainbow, Fudge, Red Velvet and Black & White Fudge.


After doing some digging, I learned that Bertucci’s across the U.S. are hosting his business. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to walk up and pick up at a location though.

Customers interested in supporting the brand would be able to purchase cake slices for delivery only through a third party delivery app.

Learn more and find a location near you at buddyvscakeslice.com